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3 天图卜卡勒峰登山之旅

View of Toubkal summit 4167m

View of Toubkal summit 4167m

View of the high-atlas moutains in summer

View of the high-atlas moutains in summer

View of Marrakech and high Atlas

View of Marrakech and high Atlas


在这三天的北非最高峰图卜卡勒山(4167 米)的攀登中,您可以领略摩洛哥神奇的阿特拉斯山脉的魅力。这次徒步旅行将让您欣赏摩洛哥阿特拉斯山脉的全景。如果您决定选择体力要求较低的旅行并留在伊姆利勒山谷,则可以定制行程。

第一天:马拉喀什 - 伊利勒 (1700m) - 图卜卡勒保护区 (3200m)

从您在马拉喀什的酒店接您。到达伊姆利尔小村庄后,您将与专门的山地导游和团队一起开始徒步旅行。沿着米扎内山谷前行,我们首先经过阿雷姆德村,然后到达Sidi Chamarouch。然后继续向东,穿过洪泛平原,沿着骡道向上,到达山谷上方高耸的岩石峭壁。穿过河流,最终到达 Sidi Chamarouch 牧神殿,这里吸引着众多游客和朝圣者。从这里开始,小径继续稳步攀升,蜿蜒曲折地到达雪线和避难所(3206 米)。在这里您将过夜。步行约 5 至 6 小时。


  • 清晨:从马拉喀什的酒店接您

  • 9:00 出发前往图卜卡勒避难所

  • 13:00 在大自然的怀抱中享用午餐

  • 16:00 抵达图卜卡勒避难所

  • 16:00-20:00 自由活动

  • 20:00 晚餐

Day 2: Toubkal Refuge – Toubkal ascension (4167m) – Imlil 

Early in the morning you make your attempt on the summit of Toubkal, the highest peak in Northern Africa. Your route takes you up the south cirque, crossing the stream above the refuge. The walking is relatively straightforward, but the scree and the altitude will make the going quite difficult in parts. The views along the way make the journey more than worthwhile. When you reach the summit you will see that the vistas across the surrounding landscape are quite breathtaking. From here there are unrestricted views in every direction, from the Marrakesh Plain to the High Atlas in the north and as far south as the Anti-Atlas and the Sahara. You will retrace your steps when you return down the mountain and head back towards Imlil. Transfer back to Marrakech. About 9 to 10 hours walking.

Recap of the day

  • 5:00 Wake up and eat breakfast

  • 6:00 Start to climb to the top

  • 9:00 Reach the summit and take souvenir photos

  • 9:30 Go down to the shelter

  • 12:00 Lunch at the shelter

  • 16:00 Arrival in Imlil, spend the night in the village and relax at your hotel 

  • The Toubkal ascension requires good physical shape and mountain equipment to spend this adventure in good conditions.

第 3 天:伊姆利勒 — 马拉喀什

  • 早上吃完早餐后,我们将乘车返回马拉喀什。


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  • 车辆调节和非常舒适的四驱车或小巴

  • 住宿:图卜卡勒避难所

  • 所有餐食、茶和水

  • 当地登山向导

  • 骡子搬运


  • 尖端

  • 饮料


  • 我们的司机将在约定的时间到您的酒店/庭院或任何其他地点接您。

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