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阿特拉斯和撒哈拉 5 日游

Trek to Toubkal

Trek to Toubkal

HAssan Elkadi private guide in the desert

HAssan Elkadi private guide in the desert

Toubkal summit at 4167m

Toubkal summit at 4167m

Luxury camp in the desert

Luxury camp in the desert

Man sitting in the desert

Man sitting in the desert


参加为期 5 天的旅程,探索阿特拉斯和撒哈拉沙漠的精华。这是一次精心策划的旅行,将两天的阿特拉斯山脉徒步旅行和三天的迷人撒哈拉沙漠探索融为一体。在山间徒步旅行、探索沙漠和体验传统的摩洛哥待客之道,这次旅行是探索摩洛哥精华的终极方式。

第 1 天:马拉喀什 — 伊姆利勒

  • 我们将从您在马拉喀什的酒店接您,然后前往阿特拉斯山脉。我们将从阿特拉斯山脉山麓的一个小村庄伊姆利勒开始我们的徒步旅行。我们的徒步旅行将带我们穿过蒂齐姆齐克,这是一条高山通道,可以欣赏到周围山峰的壮丽全景。我们还将参观塔姆苏尔特瀑布,这是一个美丽的自然奇观,瀑布从岩石上倾泻而下。我们将在蒂齐奥塞姆村过夜,这是阿特拉斯山脉中心一个风景如画的村庄。

第 2 天:Tizi Oussem — 伊姆利勒

  • 第二天,我们将继续穿越阿特拉斯山脉。我们将参观伊德伊萨村,这是一个迷人的村庄,可以一窥当地的柏柏尔文化。然后,我们将穿过 Tizi Oudid,这是另一个高山口,可以欣赏到阿特拉斯山脉的壮丽景色。我们的徒步旅行将带我们穿过 Mattat,一个风景优美的小村庄。我们将在晚上返回伊姆利勒并过夜。

Day 3: Imlil – Dades Valley

  • After breakfast, we will depart for the Dades Valley, a stunning valley in eastern Morocco. We will pass through the Tizi N’Tichka mountain pass, the highest pass in the Atlas Mountains, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks. We will stop for lunch in Ouarzazate, a beautiful city known for its stunning kasbahs and landscapes. We will then continue our journey to the Dades Valley, where we will spend the night.

Day 4: Dades Valley – Merzouga

  • On day four, we will explore the Todra gorge, a spectacular canyon that boasts towering cliffs and crystal-clear water. We will hike through the gorge and take in the stunning scenery. We will then continue our journey to Merzouga, a small town on the Sahara desert’s edge. We will spend the night in Merzouga, where we will have the opportunity to experience a camel ride and witness a beautiful sunset over the desert.

第 5 天:梅尔祖卡 — 马拉喀什

  • 旅程的最后一天,我们将从梅尔祖卡出发返回马拉喀什。我们将穿过德拉河谷,这是一个美丽的山谷,拥有许多棕榈树林和传统村庄。我们将在瓦尔扎扎特停下来吃午饭,然后继续前往马拉喀什。


  • 提前 7 天取消可获得全额退款


  • 填写下面的联系表格

What is included?

  • Transportation with a driver's Guide from and to Marrakech

  • Vehicle conditioning and very comfortable 4x4 or minibus

  • Local Guide

  • Muleteers and mules for luggage

  • All Meals during the Atlas trek and H.B. during the Sahara trek

  • Accommodation at refuge/desert camp/riads

  • Camel ride in open dunes

  • Quality service reliability

  • All taxes


  • 午餐

  • 陶里尔特古堡和电影制片厂的门票,以及沙漠中的其他活动

  • 尖端

Meeting place

  • Our driver will pick you up at your hotel/Riad or any other location at the agreed time.

  • In case of any problem: please email us or call us on the numbers displayed on contact informations


  • 提前 48 小时取消可获得全额退款

Payment methods

  • Online (we can send you a secure link on request)

  • In cash (Euros or MAD) upon arrival


  • 填写下面的联系表格


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